Upon first activation of your Web hosting account and the resulting registration of a new domain name (or the transfer of an existing one), you can use a temporary URL as a place to upload files for your web site.
When a new domain name is registered or an existing one is transferred from one registrar/Web host to another, the domain name goes through the process of Propagation, which typically lasts about two days.
During Propagation, the domain name will be unreachable on the Web. However, in order to get you started as quickly as possible, we have created a temporary URL that points to the same Web space that your domain name will eventually point to - automatically. So there is no migration of work (from the temporary URL to your domain) involved. Everything you do on the Temporary URL will be reflected in your domain, when the propagation process is completing.
The Temporary URL will always be in the form of, yourdomainnamecom.web.siteprotect.net. For example, the temporary URL for websitetest.com would be websitetestcom.web.siteprotect.net. The one exception is for very long domain names whose temporary URL may be truncated.
Note that the temporary URL includes the extension of your domain name, whether that be ".com", ".net", ".org", etc, without the "dot" before the extension.
Note: If you use SiteControl's Web-based FTP tool, then you need not know the temporary URL as it will automatically log in. (Log in to SiteControl, select FTP in the Quick Access Tools section, and click Launch FTP.)